On 04/05/10 08:50, Peter Merchant wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-05-04 at 02:51 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:
>> On Tue, 2010-05-04 at 02:30 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:
>>> 1)Takes longer to boot up
>>> 2)Boot up sequence looks like a chinese-made plastic toy. Crap.
>>> 3)Uninstalls opencv, cannot reinstall. My vision demos no longer work.
>>> 4)Breaks video. Cheese doesn't work.
>>> 5)Laptop sound issues not improved.
>>> 6)Rhythmbox opens on 'UbuntuOne' page.
>>> 7)Left-handed controls installed by default.
>>> 8)Menus difficult to use.(Split buttons on right).
>>> Why why why oh why? What is 10.04 for? To keep Vista company? To join
>>> the Microsoft World Order by being lousy?
>>> No thanks.
>>> When they come for my desktop I'll say "Nyet!"
> Because every time I have upgraded Kubuntu I have had to reinstall my
> DVB stick firmware, and every time it gets more difficult as there are
> more options to eliminate in the firmware, I was waiting to see what
> happened with 10.04.
> Think that I'll wait awhile....

Or suck it and see via a live CD or USB session?

It occurs to me that a good number of these issues would show up or 
could be tested without investing in an upgrade.

My experience has been mixed between painless and mildly irritating over 
the five machines I have either upgraded or reinstalled over the 
weekend. My son's netbook and my daughter's laptop (both Acer machines) 
went painlessly and without much by way of comment from either of them. 
VirtualBox broke on Ellie's laptop and we are waiting for the new 
binaries to fully repair that, but I can't blame that on the Ubuntu 
folks. Sam's Acer One got a reinstall and he feels that it is faster 
now, so at least one satisfied customer there.

My desktop machine got a reinstall after some irritating and erratic 
problems crept in to my dist-upgrade to the beta release of Lucid. That 
appeared to go smoothly but was eventually scuppered a reboot later by a 
long-standing issue with my Acer P193W LCD panel not playing nice with 
the Nouveau drivers for nVidia cards. I resolved that with a custom 
xorg.conf and by installing the nVidia drivers.

I did hit an issue with my (other) son's and wife's Acer netbooks which 
have the dreaded and badly hobbled by design Intel GMA500 graphics 
chip*; that necessitated a roll-back to Karmic on my wife's machine and 
postponement of the upgrade until someone more competent than I can 
adapt the workaround to Lucid.

I take a fairly philosophical approach to all of this in that (a) I 
could be paying for this grief (with something like Vista for 
instance!), and (b) it's actually quite good fun tinkering around and 
overcoming these issues. And, the day it becomes too tedious I know 
there are proprietary alternatives out there I can move to, plus a bunch 
of alternative open source options.

The other thing to remember above all is that at any time I can acquire 
the skills to fix the issues or fork the distribution to suit my ideal, 
and that is a freedom you simply can't pay for with the proprietary 


* Maybe I should have researched that a little before snapping up that 
bargain, huh?

music, film, comics, books, rants and drivel:


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