On Tue, 2010-05-04 at 09:34 +0100, Sean Gibbins wrote:
> I take a fairly philosophical approach to all of this in that (a) I 
> could be paying for this grief (with something like Vista for 
> instance!), and (b) it's actually quite good fun tinkering around and 
> overcoming these issues. And, the day it becomes too tedious I know 
> there are proprietary alternatives out there I can move to, plus a bunch 
> of alternative open source options.
> The other thing to remember above all is that at any time I can acquire 
> the skills to fix the issues or fork the distribution to suit my ideal, 
> and that is a freedom you simply can't pay for with the proprietary 
> equivalents.
> Sean
Agreed, Simono

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