Mike Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Just a suggestion Rich; try a Shure 444 or D104 (without the preamp) on your TR-3. This radio and the 4 line have a High Z mic input. You will get good results with either of these 2 mic's although there are a myriad of others that will fill the bill as well.

Good DX!

Mike W4DL

Ron Wagner wrote:

Ron Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
It has been a while since I had my TR3, but I do remember that a 600 ohm hand mic I had tried was not good match for the rig. I would guess 2K ohms would be in the ball park. They were made in the days of high impedence mics.

As far as getting only a few watts out, how are you measuring that? Most watt meters I have seen (unless they are peak reading) only show a few watts of RF on the Drakes while measuring SSB. Drakes are not using compression, so they have a very large peak to average power ratio. What that means is that unless the meter is designed to read peak power, it will show a very low average power. Average power being what most meters read. My TR7 typically shows about 5 watts on my Drake MN4 watt meter. And I know that on a peak watt meter I have ~200 watts going out.

One last thing, on AM it will also show low power. Drakes use controlled carrier AM. That is the carrier changed as you spoke. What that does is lower the heat on the finals. The TV sweep tubes were designed for high peak, low average power. If you ran them any other way, you wore them out very quickly. Ideal for uncompressed SSB service, not so good for other service.

Hope this helps.


On Sat, 19 Jan 2008, Rich Carter wrote:

The mic came with the rig.  I assume they should work together.  The mic
seems to work, but it doesn't have enough drive for the radio. I only get a couple of watts out for SSB if I yell into the mic. The problem could be in
the rig, but I thought it best to check the mic first.  I opened it up.
There's a 4 ohm microphone element and a matching transformer that says BT3 001 on it. I can find no specs for the mic. What is more frustrating is there appears to be no information about what the drake transceiver wants for mic impedance. I don't have any matching transformers in my spare parts bin. Before I run out there and buy some parts, I thought it best to see if
anyone knows what the heck the rig wants.

Thanks for the reply

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