Mike -

You have some really good ideas to improve the AC-4, especially the Bias failure shut down. I'm not sure what "design improvements" you would make, the design seems pretty stable as it is.

As AC-4s are selling for around $100, with your kit added you have a pretty good supply for considerably less than your price range. I don't think I've ever seen a power transformer fail in an AC-4 absent "outside failures". Even a lost Bias meltdown doesn't seem to harm the transformer.

I'm also not sure that fan cooling is warranted. Although ANY reduction in temperature of electronic devices is always good, I'm not certain that the AC-4 gets hot enough to matter. I ran three B-Lines in the 60's on autostart RTTY, running 24/7 and with key down, full power transmissions lasting well over 30 minutes. The only failure in 4 years was a single 12BY7 which had a filament open. The finals lasted about a year, and at $12 for a matched pair I replaced them when the output dropped to 100W on 20M AFSK.

It's too bad you didn't include a Bias shutdown feature in the AC-4R! I would have suggested if I had known what you were up to.....

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 4-B, C-Line & TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Mike Bryce wrote:
Guys and gals...

This is somewhat a pipe dream. Just thinking. Would a new state-of-the art power supply for the Trxxx series be doable?

Talking about new transformers, improved design, fan cooling, maybe a automatic lost of bias shut down.
perhaps more. Same size as the ac4? perhaps smaller?

what would be a doable price?

Not looking at specifics, but think the $250 to $300 range. Perhaps less, perhaps more. the determining factor will be a good long lasting transformer with improved rating.
so.. input anyone?

Mike, WB8VGE

SunLight Energy Systems

The Heathkit Shop


J e e p

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