----- Original Message ----- From: "TC Dailey" <daileyservi...@qwest.net>
To: <drakelist@zerobeat.net>
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 9:01 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] AC-4R kit

If you're using HIS kit, one HUGE caveat.

His instructions are not very good, and he's really not in the mood to appreciate feedback, so here ya go: Follow his instructions for REMOVAL of all of the components to be replaced + remove ALL old caps (you don't need 'em - who cares what it looks like under the METAL SHIELD?...duh

NOW - install the spacers and "fit" the board - leave ALL fasteners loose.
Take the board back out.

Now skip steps - lengthen all SECONDARY windings of the transformer (except for the filament - they've not been disconnected). RECONNECT all secondary windings to their pad points on the board. At this point most of the confusion is ended. You need only to connect the bias wires (he said they're white - he sent brown wire... no biggie), and the REMAINING wires from the output cable... small orange, small yellow, etc. After it's all hooked up, and you've checked your wiring - bring it up slowly on a Variac so IF you've messed up, you won't fry anything. Once you're happy, tighten
up all the hardware, and put the case on.

Tom D. - WØEAJ

As the guy says! I add to make a drawing of the old wiring before starting out. The instructions for loading the board are OK but the wiring instructions are not and can be pretty confusing. I did NOT make a drawing, being too trusting, and was quite frustrated when I discovered the description of the wiring in the kit instructions made no sense. I also second removing the old caps, they are not needed and might leak later.

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles

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