Boys and girls...

Well since I'm getting beat up here, I may as well defend my honor.

The biggest problem with installing the ac4r is the color codes used by drake 
changed over production runs.

Some units use a gray wire, then next a black wire and sometimes a gray wire 
with a white tracer.

the wire that goes to the radio cable carrying the the +800 volts is really 

1. orange
2. orange with white tracer
3. white with orange tracer
4. red

now, pick one! I can't write instructions that cover each and every deviation 
of wiring codes, so I try and hit in the middle.

If there is a shortage wire in the kits, I send a notice that you should use 
this color instead of that color.

If you have a supply with the transformer pointing the opposite way, then that 
needs to be addressed.

Ooh, no threads on the transformer? Oops, you can't mount the PCB there. 

I'm trying to tell someone that I don't know— if they know what end a soldering 
iron get hot— and trying to installing a  retrofit into a piece of gear 40 
years old. It's not a simple task.

The number of phone calls from guys who shouldn't be working with electricity 
scares me. Trying to explain to the guy on the other end how to set his simpson 
260 up to read voltage. He didn't know!

or the guy that calls on a Sunday night because the bias voltage reads 
backwards. He's upset because the voltage is negative and he can't figure out 
way. A hour long phone call shot in the ass trying to explain that bias voltage 
is negative in reference to ground.

How would you react to that? 

Most of the time, guys don't read the instructions first, and then start 
cutting away. Then they find out they can't find the black wire from the radio 
cable because it was gray instead.

If anyone would like to sit down and rewrite the instructions, please do so! 
I'll be more than happy to use YOUR instructions.

As far as being in the mood to appreciate feedback, I accept all that I get. I 
accept criticism as well as most people.

If something is wrong, I'll fix it. I just added more instructions and 
installation hints a week ago. If someone tells me that such and such step is 
confusing. I'll be more than happy to fix it. It's just words on a computer 
screen. Tap-tap, they're changed!


Don't send me emails telling me how stupid I am. How your old sergeant knew 
more about drakes than I do. Or how you spent 60 years in the navy and my 
instructions don't meet
the TMA codes you're use to. OR send me a photos of two AC4s with the guts 
ripped out and you don't understand why one has different wires than the other 

I keep and archive all emails, and I got some that would piss off the pope. 
Really puts you in the mood to appreciate feed back doesn't it? I mean, how you 
would react if you receive an email from someone you've never met and they tell 
you how stupid and F**K up you are and how this and that are all wrong in the 
instructions. How their 12 year old son could do a better job.

Tell me Tom, how you would react to that?

So, if you don't like the instructions, don't feel I accept and appreciate 
feedback, then sit down, re-wrire the them so they cover every version of the 
drake AC4, every possible deviation, and all possible obstacles. Make them 
crystal clear for everyone on every end of the spectrum. All the old navy comm 
techs, all the new hams, and everyone in between. And send them to me. I'll 
trash the one I did and  be more than happy to include your new instructions  
in the kits. I accept Microsoft .doc and .docx files.


I'll be sure to forward all the emails from people that can't figure out your 


I'm going to crawl back into the woodwork. This forum is not the place to 
discuss this any further.

mike, wb8vge

Mike, WB8VGE
SunLight Energy Systems
The Heathkit Shop
J e e p
"If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts."
 Albert Einstein

On Feb 25, 2011, at 1:25 AM, Richard Knoppow wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----- From: "TC Dailey" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 9:01 PM
> Subject: [Drakelist] AC-4R kit
> If you're using HIS kit, one HUGE caveat.
> His instructions are not very good, and he's really not in the mood to
> appreciate feedback, so here ya go:  Follow his instructions for REMOVAL of
> all of the components to be replaced + remove ALL old caps (you don't need
> 'em - who cares what it looks like under the METAL SHIELD?...duh
> NOW - install the spacers and "fit" the board - leave ALL fasteners loose.
> Take the board back out.
> Now skip steps - lengthen all SECONDARY windings of the transformer (except
> for the filament - they've not been disconnected). RECONNECT all secondary
> windings to their pad points on the board.  At this point most of the
> confusion is ended.  You need only to connect the bias wires (he said
> they're white - he sent brown wire... no biggie), and the REMAINING wires
> from the output cable... small orange, small yellow, etc. After it's all
> hooked up, and you've checked your wiring - bring it up slowly on a Variac
> so IF you've messed up, you won't fry anything.  Once you're happy, tighten
> up all the hardware, and put the case on.
> Tom D. - WØEAJ
>   As the guy says! I add to make a drawing of the old wiring before starting 
> out. The instructions for loading the board are OK but the wiring 
> instructions are not and can be pretty confusing. I did NOT make a drawing, 
> being too trusting, and was quite frustrated when I discovered the 
> description of the wiring in the kit instructions made no sense.
>   I also second removing the old caps, they are not needed and might leak 
> later.
> --
> Richard Knoppow
> Los Angeles
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