I witnessed something recently that In nearly 50 years of working with tube rigs, I had never seen.

I was working on an older hybrid rig with 6JS6's in it. Had a known good set of finals and was getting unit ready to ship to a new owner.

Powered it on the bench and all was good..did a cold neutralization...then reconnected filaments and powered up.

Its sitting there at idle and I start hearing "tink..tink...tink..." like tubes getting hot. I look into the final cage and see both tubes filaments on. sits there some more..and I start smelling it HOT. Look again and one tube is bright red plate. Just as I reach and cut the power, I heard some arcing.

Very strange I thought since it had all been working fine.

So I open it all up and check out everything. All looks ok EXCEPT..the one tube that was bright has a small suck-hole thru the side of it. It got so hot, the glass melted and a hole was sucked thru the side without breaking the rest of the tube. YIKES>

So, smart fellow that I am, I'm thinking bad tube right?. Just to be sure, I double check the bias supply right at the sockets..looks ok. All else seems fine. Double checked the driver plate coupling cap since that can put b+ on the grids of the finals if it shorts..OK..it would have smoked both tubes anyway.

So..bad tube.. So I put back in a back-up set of finals..about 80% on 10M pair. Power on, quick set bias V , watch plate current, all good........."tink tink tink..AWE CRAPP!...power off. Same tube position is COOKING hot. What the....

So..smart fellow that I am, I plug in the bad tube and check the resistance between the tube pin above the socket to the bias bus...OPEN! Unbelievable...the grid pin connection in the tube socket had been opened up to the point that it no longer contacted the pin on the tube. Wide open throttle on one tube...even in standby....so no indication on the multi-purpose, plate meter.

Quick correction of the socket...a quick look at all the empty shelf space where the expensive spare finals used to be stored...and the rig is ready to ship..

Life is an expedition...

Happy Holidays and controlled bias to all.


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