On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 01:36:40PM -0700, Jeff Hartmann wrote:
> > I haven't, I'll comment the drm/dri modules out and see how that works.
> > Just to be on the safe side, I will also make sure radeon/agpgart are not
> > loaded in the kernel.  It'll probably take a day or so to know if that
> > works, but I suspect I'll know in a couple hours if it doesn't.
> > 
> Are you using the radeon module from the kernel?  If you are this could 
> possibly be a source of the problems.  If you are using DRI CVS use the 
> kernel modules from the CVS tree.  The kernel modules that come with the 
> kernel will only work properly with a release version of XFree86.  Its 
> very likely that we have changed things in the DRI CVS tree that require 
> kernel module changes.

I had the radeon module from the kernel, but was told that should not
affect 2D.  (Also was told agpgart wouldn't affect it, but seems that's
not quite true..)

CVS drm has its up()'s and down()'s (pun intended) still and that needs to
change with more recent kernels.  I just haven't had much time to do
anything with it yet.

> Also as long as you don't have the following lines in your XFree86 
> config file, you don't have to worry about removing any of the kernel 
> modules.
> Load "drm"
> Load "dri"
> If those aren't there, the DRI will not activate.

They're not there anymore.  # is your friend.  =)

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                Free software developer

Software is like sex, it's better when it's free.     -- Linus Torvalds

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