On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 08:33:23AM -0600, Brian Paul wrote:

> Kreuzritter2000 wrote:
> > 
> > This Feature list would also tell interested people what is done,
> > and what has still to be done.
> > 
> > What do you think about such a page?
> The DRI User guide has some of this information for some of the drivers.
> I'd rather see that information fleshed-out than to write a separate
> document.

I'm just a crack-smokin' user, but it'd be nice if the DRI project had pages not 
entirely unlike what the XFree86 project has for each brand/chip, similar to what can 
be found at http://www.xfree86.org/4.0.3/Status.html.  I especially like the way that 
they've divided and fleshed-out the data for each brand, with each chip given a 
yes/no/sorta status, and special notes and links for each chip mentioned.
> > My last question is, how far are the Matrox and Radeon drivers now
> > supported, what feature of those cards work, what features don't work.
> I think we basically support all the 3D features of the Matrox G400
> except for their bump-mapping stuff.

Hmm.  Is EMBM supported/required by OpenGL, or is that strictly a DirectX thing?
> On Radeon we aren't doing TCL, cube textures, 3D textures and only
> support 2 of the 3 texture units.  There's probably a few other things
> but that's off the top of my head.

Is this a problem with Funding, or a problem with Data from ATI?

-=|JP|=-    "I'm not unemployed, my career's just in a holding pattern"
Jon Pennington          | Debian 2.3                 -o)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          | Auto Enthusiast            /\\
Kansas City, MO, USA    | Proud Husband and Father  _\_V

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