Jon Pennington wrote:
> On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 08:33:23AM -0600, Brian Paul wrote:
> > Kreuzritter2000 wrote:
> > >
> > > This Feature list would also tell interested people what is done,
> > > and what has still to be done.
> > >
> > > What do you think about such a page?
> >
> > The DRI User guide has some of this information for some of the drivers.
> > I'd rather see that information fleshed-out than to write a separate
> > document.
> I'm just a crack-smokin' user, but it'd be nice if the DRI project had pages not 
>entirely unlike what the XFree86 project has for each brand/chip, similar to what can 
>be found at  I especially like the way that 
>they've divided and fleshed-out the data for each brand, with each chip given a 
>yes/no/sorta status, and special notes and links for each chip mentioned.

Would it be better if the DRI User Guide were divided into a number of
separate HTML pages, instead of one long document?  I could do that
with the sgml2html converter.  I'm hesitant to create new documents
because that's more work and harder to keep up to date.

> > > My last question is, how far are the Matrox and Radeon drivers now
> > > supported, what feature of those cards work, what features don't work.
> >
> > I think we basically support all the 3D features of the Matrox G400
> > except for their bump-mapping stuff.
> Hmm.  Is EMBM supported/required by OpenGL, or is that strictly a DirectX thing?

It could be supported by an OpenGL extension, but I don't think Matrox
ever spec'd one out.  I don't know enough of the details to say how
hard it would be to implement.

> > On Radeon we aren't doing TCL, cube textures, 3D textures and only
> > support 2 of the 3 texture units.  There's probably a few other things
> > but that's off the top of my head.
> Is this a problem with Funding, or a problem with Data from ATI?

We've got the docs but we have to spend our time working on projects
which bring in income.  We're hopeful that Radeon TCL will get done
through a future contract.  (Yes, I'm being vague).


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