On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, deek wrote:

> Vladimir Dergachev scribbled:
> >
> > On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, deek wrote:
> >
> >
> >>
> >>Vladimir Dergachev scribbled:
> >>
> >>
> >>><__snipped_>
> >>>
> >>>I've implemented this (easier than software CCE) scheme. If you want to
> >>>please try the latest ati.2 CVS code at http://gatos.sf.net - or just take
> >>>a look at it.
> >>>
> >>>Basically I put in info->accel->Sync(pScrn) at entrance points into Xv
> >>>driver. SetupImageVideo, StopVideo, SetPortAttribute, GetPortAttribute and
> >>>PutVideo are all "control" calls, perfomance is not critical. PutImage
> >>>should, arguably, take more time during image trasfer.. And if you are
> >>>playing Quake and watching DVD at the same you are making problems for
> >>>yourself anyway ;) (And the faster the card the less noticable any
> >>>
> >>>slowdown from extra Sync calls will be)
> >>>
> >>
> >>I've checked this out.
> >>Seems that there is a buggaboo in the radeon implementation.
> >>I don't know if the same would apply for R128, seems that it
> >>might.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > GATOS Radeon driver has the proper handling of memory controller.
> > Consequently, usual drm modules will not work - you need to use drm-kernel
> > package  available at http://gatos.sf.net/
> >
> Come on Vladimir, I'm not green. :-P
> I even checked out a fresh CVS copy of ati.2 and
> drm-kernel to make sure that none of my hacks could
> have been at fault.
> with that in mind, and the GATOS-radeon.o in the
> correct place (verified) I rebooted, because I had
> to, still; same affect.

I just updated my ati.2 and I too am getting this lockup.

I updated drm-kernel after that as well, to make sure I was in sync and
tested again and I am seeing this lockup with it too.

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