On 2002.04.30 10:54 Sergey V. Udaltsov wrote:
> > It seems that the mach64 kernel moduled wasn't replaced from memory,
> > causing a kernel oops. Usually you need to run install.sh without X
> > running (I usually do init 3).
> Well, at least with 0-0-3 I managed to do in without stopping X. Just
> "install.sh" and restarting X was enough. OK, if you tell 0-0-4
> _requires_ me to stop X before installing...

In the previous 0-0-3 branch we almost never messed with the DRM, so it 
was binary compatible between all snapshots. Now is exactly the opposite. 
Nevertheless you shouldn't need to stop X if you're running your distro X. 
You need only if you are running X from a mach64 branch, because in this 
situation the kernel module is being used and the install.sh script will 
surely fail to remove it from memory.

> > There shouldn't be much difference since DMA is off. (DMA at this time
> > even slows things more)
> I am aware of it. So I do not expect too much:)
> > > better than 191 in Mesa). Anyway, X is still unable to shut down
> > > gracefully - at "killall X" in xterm I get frozen screen (though
> > > Ctl-Alt-Del works as if I were in console).
> > mmm.. I don't see what it could be.
> Is there any way I can help do find the reason?
> > As said, there could be some problems with the install.sh not replacing
> > everything properly. That's the more likely.
> Again, how can I debug this?

Please check that the mach64.o in the kernel, the mach64_dri.so and the 
ati_{drv,misc}.o files in your system were indeed updated by install.sh 
script. (They path should popup if you run "locate" with their name).

The reason is that I've changed the dripkg/install scripts sometime, and I 
didn't receive any feedback (positive or negative) so something could be 
going wrong and it's best to be sure of that before looking for other 
explanations - especially since no one who built directly from CVS 
experienced that so far.

> >   No. There isn't any yet. But we can arrange to something be printed
> on
> > the system log when the DMA is enabled on runtime.
> That would be nice. Also, Leif offered to turn DMA on if bus mastering
> is detected. Is it possible to do it in today/tommorow snapshots? Just
> to test...

Putting the check will take a little more than that (I have a paper 
submission deadline in 1 June and I'm barely starting to do the research I 
proposed to do in that paper, so I'm a great deal of pressure to get 
results ASAP), but I can put the DMA by default so that the interested 
ones can try. In the worst case, they can always use the 

PS: Don't remove the working mach64-0-0-3 snapshot that you may have, as 
they will eventually get deleted from the DRI website.
> Cheers,
> Sergey

José Fonseca

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