Brian Paul wrote:
> Brian Paul wrote:
>> Stefan Lange wrote:
>>> My experiences from testing:
>>> Wolfenstein (single-player): works, about same speed as dri-trunk, 
>>> but not completely stable (exited with Signal 4 in one run, and 
>>> Signal 11 in another, and once I got a complete lockup of the system)
>>> Q3A: stable (at least for the time I tested), but not very fast. In 
>>> fact it shows the same symptoms I got with earlier versions of 
>>> DRI-trunk (before around 2002-10-11): poor overall speed, and a 
>>> framerate that maxes out at 50 FPS. Is the r200-code in your branch 
>>> from before that date? If yes, that would explain the behaviour.
>> I made the branch on Oct 9.  I'll do a merge from the trunk in a bit.
>> Hopefully that'll clear up the speed problem.
> The merge is done.

OK, so I just updated from CVS and recompiled.
as expected: the speed problem in q3a is solved ;-)

>>> small stuff like gl-screensavers, mesa-demos seems to run fine
>>> one more thing: If I disable hardware-TCL (R200_NO_TCL=1), then some 
>>> GL-apps won't start ( Signal 8 / FPE ). At least q3a, wolfsp and 
>>> gears are affected, probably others too. Disabling hw-TCL does work 
>>> with current trunk-code for me.
>> I'll test this after updating from the trunk.
> Setting R200_NO_TCL works for me - no signals or FP exceptions.
> However, with R200_NO_TCL I'm seeing some flashing/missing textures
> in RTCW.

hmm, that's odd. I still get floating point exceptions for almost every 
GL-app. with TCL disabled.

Demos that _do_ work with TCL disabled include:
clearspd, drawpix, gamma, glinfo, lodbias, readpix, winpos

Maybe this can give you a clue, why some are working and some aren't?

Could I have messed something up during checking 
out/compiling/installing that is causing these FPE's?

I attached the output of glxinfo, in case that's any helpful.

Regards, and thanks for your quick help and patience,

> -Brian

Attachment: glxinfo.bz2
Description: Binary data

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