On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 10:14:45AM -0800, Linus Torvalds wrote:
| Why? I don't understand this reluctance to just admit that the _user_ may 
| be right.

I note your use of the word "may."  Sometimes the user can happily
express a simple preference, but often such a choice has consequences
that the user can't foresee, and won't like.

For example, a user might say to himself "I'll choose 32bpp textures so
that I can get higher-quality rendering."  What he doesn't know is that
32bpp textures are so much larger that his game no longer has enough
texture space available on his system.  The game has to fall back to
lower-resolution textures or eliminate other quality-oriented features
like multitextured lightmapping.  In the end, the user's ability to
express a low-level preference didn't achieve what he wanted.

Things get a *lot* worse when resources are explicitly shared rather
than virtualized.

| In short, the only sane remaining thing to do is to have environment 
| variables. ...

There's a minor debate here about the control mechanism for expressing
preferences -- GUI tool, config file, environment variables.  But the
main question is where the control mechanism resides.

You've mentioned that libraries can't know how to resolve questions of
user preference.  That's true.  But neither users nor libraries can know
how to understand the tradeoffs associated with a particular preference.
The environment is just too complicated and variable for that.

There is only one system component that has enough information to
"understand" high-level preferences expressed by the user, and the
low-level tradeoffs that have to be made to implement those preferences.
That's the application program.

The app needs information about its environment and control over the
functionality of the graphics subsystem to do its job.  So in general
it's wrong to compromise the app's ability to control the graphics
hardware by overriding it at a low level.

| Sure, you could say that every program should just specify the hinting
| itself, but let's face it - it's inconvenient for programmers to have to
| have the setup screens (_especially_ since the settings will depend on
| what the card is) ...

I'm all for developing tools to make it easier to express and implement
user preferences...

|                 ...but it's also supremely inconvenient for users to have
| to set settings in 10 different programs in 10 different ways.

... but that's exactly what we have to do.  It would be great if there
were a nice way to avoid it, but there isn't.  Only the apps know which
settings are useful (or even possible).  As you said in a subsequent

|                                                       ... different
| programs almost certainly want different settings. Some games need to have
| less detail to be playable, others want to be cranked up to full
| settings.

So it's clear that the locus of control must be in the app.

|        ... Arguing against them is just not very clever.

As for whether the control mechanism should be environment variables,
config files, or whatever:  I don't have any particular objection to
application-specific environment variables.  But general-purpose
environment variables that apply to all apps and persist for the life of
a shell is bad design practice.  It's guaranteed to lead to
unreproducable bugs and exactly the sort of ad-hoc environment setup
requirements that we have to eliminate if desktop Linux systems are to
offer a good experience for end users.


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