On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 03:42:06PM -0700, Nicholas Leippe wrote:
| I guarantee you that the only thing truly knowledgeable enough to make such 
| tradeoffs is the user at the keyboard, not the programmer writing the 
| application somewhere else on different hardware with different tastes.

Maybe I wasn't clear, but I didn't intend to suggest that users not be
allowed to control the behavior of their apps.  My point was that the
"knobs" have to be provided by the apps, not by some library- or
system-level feature that completely works around the apps.  There's no
point in the system other than the app with enough information to make
sensible tradeoffs.  The crude low-level controls we were talking about
when we started this thread (texel size, for example) fall way short of
providing enough control to be worth the time required to code,
document, and maintain them.  And they're likely to become obsolete
before too long.

Think about the way the Quake engine provides controls.  That's the
right model, not environment variables or global configuration files
that silently affect all OpenGL-based applications whether appropriate
or not.

There are plenty of things we can do to help make user preference
controls easier to create and use.  Several have been mentioned in this


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