Am Dienstag, 28. Januar 2003 08:22 schrieb D. Hageman:
> On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Philip Brown wrote:
> > I am trying to point out that none of


> > On the other hand,
> >  "DRI is meant to integrate with XFree86. XFree86 has a standard
> >   configuration file format. We should follow the
> >   'principle of least surprise', and use the same format they are used
> >   to for X11 configuration"
> >
> > DOES seem to make a good deal of sense, when considering the needs of
> > users as more important than the needs of developers.
> Two things:
> 1) Don't kick a gift horse in the mouth.  If the users really want
> something in a certain way are more the happy to do it.
> 2) The XF86Config file format does what it does very well.  It isn't
> necessarily what we are looking for.  It also isn't exactly a library that
> one can just use.  It is a very custom built parser for a very specific
> purpose.  We don't need to re-invent the wheel here.

Make the "file format" as simple as possible.
Not only for the "users" but think about "remote" editing/managing even if it 
is meant as a "local" config file. This was good "Unix thinking" for ages.

So what are the "technical" advantages of XML in this case?


Dieter Nützel
Graduate Student, Computer Science

University of Hamburg
Department of Computer Science
@home: Dieter.Nuetzel at (replace at with @)

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