On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 06:04:19PM -0600, D. Hageman wrote:
> I think you misunderstand.  We aren't replacing the XF86Config file here.  
> This is for DRI specific driver settings with capabilities extending to 
> having special options for individual programs if need be.  
> Now if I am mistaken and you did understand ...

I did understand...

> Your argument is bogus.  You can't claim that every XML file format leads 
> to unreadable files.   Now, if you have a good *technical* reasons why we 
> shouldn't use XML - I would love to hear them.  

Looks like you dont understand.

"technical reasons" are NOT the only reasons that should be considered when
evaluating config file formats.
Config files are (at least on UNIX systems) generally targetted at
users being able to edit them. by hand.

*users*, not developers.

As such, it is important to have a clear, easy-to-understand format.
XML is not that format.
 (okay, XML isnt a format, its a meta format, blah, blah, blah)

Sure, you could design a schema/dtd/whathaveyou in XML that would be more
readable.... and it would probably end up looking a lot like the XF86Config
file format. 
Or one of the other well known config file formats.

If you want to get experience/resume padding doing XML coding, please do it
elsewhere.  Preferably in an area that XML was designed for: in exchanging
data between programs and OTHER programs, not between humans and programs.

Unless you believe that the config file should not be edited by users. 
In which case, go all the way and make it a binary file.

> Couple of good reasons to use XML:
> *) Parser with validation capabilites already written.
> *) More and more utilities are using it ... fontconfig for example.
> *) bindings for all major languages.
> *) A copy of libxml already exists in the tree if a person doesn't already
>    have it.
> *) Extensible.
> *) It can be edited with any text editor.

C code can be edited with any text editor, too. But the percentage
of DRI users that can usefully DO that, is a very small number, comparative
to the overall number of users.

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