On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Philip Brown wrote:

>Perhaps the DRI config team could do the xfree side a favour, and write an
>actual mini-library. Then actually migrate code in the other direction
>for once :->

Like "libxf86config" the library included with XFree86 since 4.0?

>After all, it seems to be a pretty durn simple layout.
>It has "only" two basic levels. 
>At the simplest overview, it only has
>Section {sectionname}
>  Directive {value}
>  SubSection {subsectionname}
>    Directive {value}
>  EndSubSection
>The irritating bit comes when you add in the Option wildcard.
>If you ignore that, you could write a parsing library for it in well under
>a weekend. Probably a single day,even.
>Well, *I* could, if I had the free time, and actually wanted to spend it on
>such an endevour ;-)

Why bother when libxf86config exists now already and does all of 
the above, and has 3 years of history behind it already, being 
the backend of xf86cfg?

Seems like a lot of wasted effort to me to reimplement something 
like this from scratch.  When we wrote our new X config tool, we 
just used libxf86config to not re-invent the wheel.  Works great.


Mike A. Harris     ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
OS Systems Engineer - XFree86 maintainer - Red Hat

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