On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 02:55:22 -0600 (CST)
"D. Hageman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > So what are the "technical" advantages of XML in this case?
> Quick List --
> *) Text Based - easy to edit.

Text based does NOT imply easy to edit. look at USBsnopys' output. its
completely illegible.

> *) Well known basic format (think each tag must be ended, etc.)

Not a valid argument. no two schemas are alike.

> *) Million and one tools already exist that handle XML if you didn't
> want to edit by hand.  

Way more code than necessary. bloat.

> *) Every major programming language has some library to handle XML 
>    (say if you hacked togther a library that does the XF86Config file 
>    format ... this wouldn't be the case).

Irrelevant in this case.

> *) Extensible, no painting ourselves into a corner. One can easily
> extend the spec without having to rewrite the entire parser.

Also irrelevant. the USERS will never need to do this.

The parser is also non-trivial.

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