I'm not a developer and I know nothing about XML and so have no real opinion as to what the file format should be. I am however woried about comments like the ones quoted below. The notion that users dont edit config files by hand may be all fine and good in the microsoft world but last time I checked I was using linux. You can't make the same assumptions about what users want to do as you can in the microsoft world. Most linux users are "power users" and want to have complete control over everything. If the XML can be kept relativly simple to read and edit then fine but the end user should never have to use a config tool if they don't want to. So please keep it as simple as possle. In my opinion the readability of the config file should be a much bigger concern then having a multitued of configuration programs out there. Even the best config program will have it's limits and I for one don't want to be constrained by them.

Steven Lilly

Alan Cox wrote:

XML printed sensibly is ok for human editing (not ideal). Users dont
edit config files however they use apps to do this.


Users want config files that work, they expect to use applications to
edit them, and they also expect things like downgrading to work with
the same configuration file - which XML can do.

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