On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 11:24:58PM +0100, Jacek Pop³awski mentioned:
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 06:31:37PM +0000, John P. Looney wrote:
> >  Hi, I was using the old Radeon drivers that shipped with a dist-upgraded
> > Woody, though they were mostly fine in Quake3, in Wolfenstien, there were
> > severe problems with corrupted textures.
> Could you try driver 20021022 (from dri.sf.net downloads)? As I wrote in other
> post - flickering textures are only visible in latest version of driver.

 I can't see any mention of older drivers, just a link to:

 Is there an archive ? If the problems are known, and fixable, I don't
mind waiting a while for new drivers to be released. 


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