
I noticed some really strange behaviour in our DSpace installation.

It is the Creative Commons licensing.

When the setting in dspace.cfg is set to true

#### Creative Commons settings ######
# are Creative Commons licenses used in submission?
webui.submit.enable-cc = true

the Creative Commons section of the submission process has TWO  
separate steps. The first one is the one that has the iFrame that  
displays the Creative Commons webpage in it, and there are two choices  
that the submitter can set before accepting the license.
After that, there is another step that asks another time whether the  
submitter wants to accept the Creative Commons license. This page is  
much simpler and has no choices, only two buttons - either "I Grant  
the License"  or "I Do Not Grant the License" .

The strange thing is that the first stage points to a version of the  
CC license that is NOT the one that we want to use, and that I have  
entered in the default.license config file. We want to use the  
Canadian 2.5 license, but it displays - AND attaches - the generic 3.0  
CC license.
That second stage does point to the Canadian 2.5 version license - but  
it is apparently discarded.

The strangeness becomes more apparent when I do this:

#### Creative Commons settings ######
# are Creative Commons licenses used in submission?
webui.submit.enable-cc = false

In that case, there is no longer the first step (the iFrame one) - but  
the second step (the one with the url to the Canadian version and the  
"I Grant the License"  or "I Do Not Grant the License" buttons) STILL  
comes up. But submissions do not have the CC license attached .. which  
does make some sense, since it is disabled.

So I'd really like to know:
- what makes this second step appear even though the CC is disabled in  
- How can I turn it off?
- where can I make the first CC license point to the right CC license  
version (Canadian 2.5) ? It is not in the default.license .. since  
that is set to the Canadian one.
- if we could get the second step to work with the right CC version  
that would be even better, since it is much simpler than that brittle  
iFrame mechanism

My gosh, this is *complex*.

thanks in advance,

Maike Dulk - Programmer / Analyst
McPherson Library, University of Victoria
(t) 250-886-5709 / (e) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- Harthon gerithach aeair vilui / I hope you will have kind seas

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