
On 11-Jan-08, at 9:04 AM, Richard Rodgers wrote:

> Glad it worked!
> Sure, the wiki is fine. Just somewhere that someone else searching
> could discover.
> Thanks,
> Richard
> On Thu, 2008-01-10 at 14:45 -0800, Maike Dulk wrote:
>> Hi Richard
>> wow, thanks again!
>> This is indeed the solution.
>> I will gladly document this .. should I put it in the Wiki?
>> thank you!!!!!!!!
>> Maike
>> On 10-Jan-08, at 12:32 PM, Richard Rodgers wrote:
>>> Hi Maike:
>>> I have not tested this, but if you consult the documentation at:
>>> it suggests that if you add a query parameter 'jurisdiction'
>>> (the doc calls them 'URL variables') to the Creative Commons URL
>>> requested in the submit/creative_commons.jsp, you can force the
>>> Canadian licenses to appear. If this works, document it for the
>>> benefit of others.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Richard
>>> Quoting Maike Dulk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>> gosh, that is indeed entirely new, not only to me but also to the
>>>> librarians who have used DSpace for a longer time now as well. This
>>>> is
>>>> indeed confusing.
>>>> So thank you very much for clarifying this!
>>>> The only thing that I would like to know is how I can change the
>>>> "target" of that iFrame, which is now the 3.0 generic license, to  
>>>> the
>>>> CC license that we want to use, i.e. the Canadian 2.5 version ..
>>>> and I
>>>> cannot find any setting / file where that is set.
>>>> Do you know that?
>>>> cheers
>>>> maike
>>>> On 9-Jan-08, at 6:23 AM, Richard Rodgers wrote:
>>>>> Hi Maike:
>>>>> A few explanations to help unravel the enigma:
>>>>> First, you should understand that there are two different licenses
>>>>> involved
>>>>> here, not a choice of one. The first - the deposit license - is
>>>>> (roughly)
>>>>> a licence that the depositor grants to the repository. It is not
>>>>> optional,
>>>>> and does not display to users in the item display. For many
>>>>> institutions,
>>>>> it is a legal requirement. It is a standard 'click-thru' license  
>>>>> in
>>>>> the
>>>>> sense that the grantor can only accept or reject it (as you note).
>>>>> The
>>>>> license.default you mention contains this license text.
>>>>> The second - CC license - is (roughly) a license
>>>>> that an author grants to consumers of her work. It is entirely
>>>>> optional
>>>>> (as you note with the cc-enable property), and *does* prominently
>>>>> display to
>>>>> users in the item page. Here, the submitter *can* choose from a  
>>>>> set
>>>>> of licenses
>>>>> that reflect the desire to control/share content.
>>>>> What is confusing is that they both appear in the submission work-
>>>>> flow
>>>>> (first CC, then deposit), and the the CC is a mini-workflow in
>>>>> itself
>>>>> consisting if steps in an Iframe. Many have lamented the 'brittle'
>>>>> Iframe, but it was the only programmatic access we had when it was
>>>>> first
>>>>> offered. Now there are 'web'service' interfaces to CC that should
>>>>> probably
>>>>> be adopted (volunteers welcome!).
>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>> Richard
>>>>> Quoting Maike Dulk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> I noticed some really strange behaviour in our DSpace  
>>>>>> installation.
>>>>>> It is the Creative Commons licensing.
>>>>>> When the setting in dspace.cfg is set to true
>>>>>> #### Creative Commons settings ######
>>>>>> # are Creative Commons licenses used in submission?
>>>>>> webui.submit.enable-cc = true
>>>>>> the Creative Commons section of the submission process has TWO
>>>>>> separate steps. The first one is the one that has the iFrame that
>>>>>> displays the Creative Commons webpage in it, and there are two
>>>>>> choices
>>>>>> that the submitter can set before accepting the license.
>>>>>> After that, there is another step that asks another time whether
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> submitter wants to accept the Creative Commons license. This page
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> much simpler and has no choices, only two buttons - either "I  
>>>>>> Grant
>>>>>> the License"  or "I Do Not Grant the License" .
>>>>>> The strange thing is that the first stage points to a version of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> CC license that is NOT the one that we want to use, and that I  
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> entered in the default.license config file. We want to use the
>>>>>> Canadian 2.5 license, but it displays - AND attaches - the  
>>>>>> generic
>>>>>> 3.0
>>>>>> CC license.
>>>>>> That second stage does point to the Canadian 2.5 version  
>>>>>> license -
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> it is apparently discarded.
>>>>>> The strangeness becomes more apparent when I do this:
>>>>>> #### Creative Commons settings ######
>>>>>> # are Creative Commons licenses used in submission?
>>>>>> webui.submit.enable-cc = false
>>>>>> In that case, there is no longer the first step (the iFrame  
>>>>>> one) -
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> the second step (the one with the url to the Canadian version and
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> "I Grant the License"  or "I Do Not Grant the License" buttons)
>>>>>> STILL
>>>>>> comes up. But submissions do not have the CC license attached ..
>>>>>> which
>>>>>> does make some sense, since it is disabled.
>>>>>> So I'd really like to know:
>>>>>> - what makes this second step appear even though the CC is  
>>>>>> disabled
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> dspace.cfg?
>>>>>> - How can I turn it off?
>>>>>> - where can I make the first CC license point to the right CC
>>>>>> license
>>>>>> version (Canadian 2.5) ? It is not in the default.license ..  
>>>>>> since
>>>>>> that is set to the Canadian one.
>>>>>> - if we could get the second step to work with the right CC  
>>>>>> version
>>>>>> that would be even better, since it is much simpler than that
>>>>>> brittle
>>>>>> iFrame mechanism
>>>>>> My gosh, this is *complex*.
>>>>>> thanks in advance,
>>>>>> maike
>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>> Maike Dulk - Programmer / Analyst
>>>>>> McPherson Library, University of Victoria
>>>>>> (t) 250-886-5709 / (e) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>> -- Harthon gerithach aeair vilui / I hope you will have kind seas
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