Hi Mark,

sorry for late answer. I think this error is related to number of 
database connections opened. As you have already noticed in the code, 
for each request it creates new Context object, which maintains 
connection to the database. Under some circumstances/conditions, I think 
this object is not correctly closed at the end of request. I believe 
this is causing an error, as after some time it goes over limit of 
connections defined by RDBMS and therefore cannot open new request.
I noticed that error before in some other segments. After thorough 
investigation it has been fixed, but now it seems the bug is present in 
some other parts too.

I would suggest to try to increase number of db connections allowed and 
to wait until problem gets fixed and updated in the source code..


> Hi Steve,
> Thanks for the reply - the only thing outputted on the logs when the
> request is made is:
> 2011-03-15 10:14:15,017 INFO  org.dspace.rest.providers.UserProvider @
> user:anonymous:ip_addr=:entity_exists:29
> Thanks,
> Mark
> On 15/03/11 10:16, Steve Swinsburg wrote:
>> A 500 is an internal server error, what do the logs say?
>> cheers,
>> Steve
>> On 15/03/2011, at 9:03 PM, Mark Melia wrote:
>>> Hi Bojan,
>>> I have taken the latest code from the SVN address above and the
>>> authentication issue is still there. I am not sure how you are able to
>>> over come it without changing the code in the AbstractBaseProvider. I
>>> have made the change you suggested - rather than just removing the
>>> exception throw. (I can send you a patch file if you would like?)
>>> On another note - I am stil trying to get details for a specific
>>> community I am doing this by calling the URL -
>>> http://localhost:8080/rest/communities/29.xml
>>> as outlined below. Can you tell me if I am doing this correct - I am
>>> still getting HTTP Status 500. If I have time I will look more deeply
>>> into this - if you have no ideas on what is causing it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mark
>>> On 14/03/11 16:14, Mark Melia wrote:
>>>> Hi Bojan,
>>>> Thanks a million for your reply. I am thinking maybe I do have an
>>>> earlier version of the code - Today I tried to get details on one
>>>> particular collection using
>>>> http://localhost:8080/rest/communities/29.xml - this resulted in an error -
>>>> HTTP Status 500 - Failure processing entity request
>>>> (/communities/29.xml): null
>>>> I will have to check the version I am running.
>>>> Thanks again for your help.
>>>> Mark
>>>> On 14/03/11 15:51, Bojan Suzic wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>>> I have just checked it and tried to reproduce locally.
>>>>> So I tried the following:
>>>>> http://localhost:8080/rest/search.xml?query=test - got normal results
>>>>> http://localhost:8080/rest/search.xml?query=test&user=x...@xxx.com - got
>>>>> exception 403, we have user but password is not provided
>>>>> http://localhost:8080/rest/search.xml?query=test&user=x...@xxx.com&pass=correct_password
>>>>> - got normal results again as the correct password is provided with
>>>>> the user in the query
>>>>> So, the code you are referring to is executed only if user or pass are
>>>>> provided in the query. If they are not provided, it uses anonymous
>>>>> user and further should not execute this code.
>>>>> Maybe you are using some older version from svn? The actual version is
>>>>> available at
>>>>> http://scm.dspace.org/svn/repo/modules/rest/branches/dspace-rest-gsoc10/.
>>>>> Also if this problem still persists, could you then try to change this
>>>>> code to look like this:
>>>>> if (!(user.equals("")) {
>>>>>     try {
>>>>>      ...
>>>>>     } catch () ...
>>>>> }
>>>>> It could be that underlying code treats blank user differently.
>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>> Bojan
>>>>>> The action I am calling is the search rest call I am making is search -
>>>>>> http://localhost:8080/dspace/search.xml?query=testitem
>>>>>> When this is called it looks like the method refreshParams is called in
>>>>>> the AbstractBaseProvider class. This method checks if the user is logged
>>>>>> in and throws an EntityException if the user is not logged in, which is
>>>>>> the case for my search.
>>>>>> try {
>>>>>> EPerson eUser = EPerson.findByEmail(context, user);
>>>>>> if ((eUser.canLogIn())&&     (eUser.checkPassword(pass))) {
>>>>>> context.setCurrentUser(eUser);
>>>>>> loggedUser = eUser.getName();
>>>>>> } else {
>>>>>> throw new EntityException("Bad username or password", user, 403);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Any idea would be much appreciated. We are creating a plug-in for Moodle
>>>>>> 2.0 so that DSpace can be used as a repository.
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