
We participate in the British Library's EThOS service which harvests eTheses 
metadata from our DSpace repository over OAI in uketd_dc format - this has been 
working well in our Production system running DSpace v1.6.

We are working on migrating to DSpace v3.1 and I have been testing the OAI 
uketd_dc output on my DSpace v3.1 DEV system but it does not appear to be 
producing OAI data in the correct uketd_dc format.

If you compare the uketd_dc OAI output of our v1.6 PROD system 
against our v3.1 DEV system 
 a number of problems are evident:

- the output is not limited to only "Theses"
- the supervisor (from dc.contributor.advisor) is mapping to dc.contributor 
instead of uketdterms:advisor
- a number of other uketc_dc specific terms (e.g. "qualificationlevel", 
"qualificationname", etc) are not being included 

I have been in contact with the EThOS folks, and they have confirmed that my 
DSpace v3.1 DEV system is not providing uketd_dc metadata in the correct format 
for them.

So I'm presuming this is an issue with the "uketc_dc.xsl" stylesheet, but my 
XSLT knowledge has always been pretty basic, and these days is very rusty, so 
I'm loathe to start trying to dissect this to find out how it works if I don't 
have to!

So, has anyone else come across this problem? And, I guess more importantly, 
has anyone got a solution?

If not, any XSLT whizzes out there who would give us a hand fixing this so that 
the uketd_dc metadata being provided by DSpace v3.1 (and therefore presumably 
subsequent versions) matches the spec?



Michael White 
eLearning Liaison and Development (eLD)
Information Services
S8, Library
University of Stirling 
Stirling SCOTLAND 
FK9 4LA 
Email: michael.wh...@stir.ac.uk 
Tel: +44 (0) 1786 466877 
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466880

The University of Stirling has been ranked in the top 12 of UK universities for 
graduate employment*.
94% of our 2012 graduates were in work and/or further study within six months 
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