> Okay I have the software installed, and when I use the csvdump.exe 
> file.  I am not seeing a good gui.  What kind of graphics are you 
> using?  Are they bitmap graphics?  If so can you make this a windows 
> standard diwlogue?  This would make it easier for those who are 
> totaly blind to use.

There are no graphics being displayed, just normal widgets.  As I
understand it, the GTK widgets are near-native on Windows, but don't
always use the Win32 widgets on the screen.  I don't really know much
about the Windows API, so I can't tell you much more than that.

I use GTK so that it can be cross-platform.  I have zero interest in
writing Windows-only applications :)

Dan Smith
dsmith#danplanet.com, s/#/@/

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