The word that I object to the most, in this thread is the word "free".  
KJ4ACN has been on the Gateway, since November of 2007. A very small percentage 
 of the repeater users have bothered to join the club and financially 
support the  Gateway. "Ham Radio is supposed to be free", I have heard several 
times. Well,  maybe Amateur Radio is supposed to be free, but internet access 
is not free, at  least for the West Central Florida D Star Club. Financing 
the Gateway, long  term, just does not seem feasible, for us.   I had 
conversations, at  Dayton, with several other Trustees/Club Presidents. The 
financial scenario at  KJ4ACN seems to be quite common. I foresee repeaters 
dropping off the Gateway,  due to lack of funding for internet access. Anybody 
any creative solutions?  

Buddy  WB4OMG

West Central Florida D Star Club President/KJ4ACN  Trustee
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