A couple threads to comment on here:

Item 1

The video is a little hype-ish, but does convey the basic technical  
setup needs  What you use the information contained in the video for  
is a judgement call.  Who should be concerned about what a given  
station "surfs" for?  Not all the arm chair lawyers but rather the  
stations operating the link. Different jurisdictions have different  
rules, but in the US there are a few:  97.113,  97.205g, 97.219,   
97.221 (review at: http://www.ncvec.org/page.php?id=320), if it isn't  
included in Sec 97 (and referenced laws) then its just opinion.  If I  
personally was running a DD access point (RP2D or RP1D) I would do  
some pretty restricted access, but it really isn't my business or  
concern what others do, its their licenses.

Item 2:

If you own and operate a repeater (or similar device) on amateur radio  
and you expect to have its operation compensated by someone else, you  
are running a business and fall under rule 97.113c, in my opinion. If  
you can't afford to provide the service or take the criticism of your  
system, you should take it off the air and free up the frequency for  
other uses.

As a user of someone else's repeater, on a regular basis, I feel I  
have an obligation to voluntarily support its operation either  
financially or otherwise, directly or indirectly, but as soon as there  
is a mandatory fee for use, it is a business.

Club owned repeaters should be funded out of the general funds of the  
club. If the club can't afford it, they should not have a repeater.   
Keeping your club healthy (recruiting and retention, having a purpose,  
inclusiveness, and low politics) is the way to have the funds to  
operate a repeater.  Soliciting donations is not running a business,  
but mandatory fees for use amounts to a business.

Amateur, by etymology, and definition means you pursue an interest out  
love for the activity.  An amateur repeater should be a labor of love.  
(See background at: http://www.ncvec.org/page.php?id=320)

John Hays
Amateur Radio: K7VE

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