Dear Eric,
Can you send a hard copy of it to me so I can send this over to our E.M.
As of right now, with our lovely Florida Budg'IT.... Our County
EOC DID indeed procure a "2820" for the current EOC last year, 
and currently with Buddy's (WB4OMG) help, I maintain one of 
his ID-1's as an immediate deployment kit, complete with a wireless
router that connects to the ID-1, and provides 4 wired and preset 25 
wireless connections.
This has been setup to work with the County EM Mobile Command Vehicle.
Right now, they can not justify the equipping of such with ID-1's AT THIS
(But they are aware and still want more R&D from us on it before commitment)
A new and improved EOC is currently being built that features a radio room
dedicated for such uses, from HF to 23cm.. Real high tech place too.
HOWEVER, the County EM is currently supports 2 Analog VoIP services to
two of their repeaters on a 400 footer. That took 4 years to complete.
So I will say Congrats on your part. We have to work at the speed
of Local Government.... (snail mail is lightning fast here)
Background for the ID-1;
A recent deployment found lack of time and lack of better planning,
we were unable to establish a DD link back to KJ4ACN. I am partial
to the blame, but still, the back up to the back up of the master plan,
it too was a failure.... Even with 3 back-up plans, we found out
the hard way, that the easiest can also be the hardest to make things
work....  (Mid Florida MS150 "The Citrus Ride 2009")
But yes, we had everything hooked up in our MCV that it was priceless
to say the least, but...... we failed our objective. Internet connection
for the use of APRS-IS data, and NWS radar watch during the event.
( I did however have a wireless connection on a single laptop, but
after further review of a NON APRS data connection, you can't go into
UI-View and change from a register call to a reg. call hyphen SSID.
Once I changed the laptop back to the standard setup, EVERYTHING WORKED.)
enough of my own soapbox... Thanks for the info, I will be looking for
it in the QST when it hits the mailbox.

Evans F. Mitchell

 Fla. D-Star Tech Support Group <> 

Polk ARES A.E.C. <> 



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