
I think that you might be overestimating the investment to switch one of your 
systems to D-STAR. Basically all you need is the controller and a RF module and 
you are there. You don't need the duplexer, feedline, antenna, which are big 
parts of your investment. For less than $3k, you can have a repeater on the air 
in just a few days. I suspect that you've got a lot more than that invested in 
the rest of your repeaters.

The hot spots aren't probably your answer because their main goal tends to be 
for a single user. When they are operating simplex, users can't hear each 
other. Also, many of the add-on boards when married with standard transceivers 
aren't really transmitting the 6kHz DSTAR signal, it's wider, but compatible.

And don't forget that K2DIG is NOT your closest repeater, W1NLK in Norwalk is 
only 22 miles away.(see http://www.dstarinfo.com/maps/Repeaters.aspx for 

From: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com [mailto:dstar_digi...@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of ka2ugz
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 4:37 PM
To: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Purchasing a Node Adapter

WOW what a response for the recent "new guy" post! Seems like an abundance of 
energy in this group.

I saw a presentation and demonstration of a D-Star hot-spot using a node 
adapter (Ham Radio University sponsored by GSBARC) and as a result I joined 
this group to learn more.

I am an officer in a Long Island club that operates 3 analog repeaters, two 
70cm and one 2m. We have discussed turning one of them into a D-Star repeater 
but the significant investment is beyond the reach of our small club. I think 
the node adapter hot spot is well within our grasp though.

With the closest D-Star repeater on the Empire State Building in NYC there is 
not much D-Star activity here and I think the hot-spots will create opportunity.

So on to my first question:

I sent an email to Satoshi 
(7m3...@jk1zrw.ampr.org<mailto:7m3tjz%40jk1zrw.ampr.org> ) to buy an assembled 
node adapter which his website says is available (updated 12/23/2009). It has 
been about 10-days with no reply and no indication that the email was 
undeliverable. In the experience of this group, does it take Satoshi a long 
time to answer email?

I realize that this is probably not his "day job" and he might be overloaded 
with requests so please help set my expectation level... how patient do I need 
to be?

73 de KA2UGZ - Jay

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