I'd strongly suggest spending the extra money up front and getting the 880.
In your area near San Jose, there are several D-STAR systems listed in the
Dstarusers.org repeater directory, most of which have a 70cm repeater in
addition to 2m and 23cm, and some that are solely 70cm in California.  Some
systems may opt to leave the 70cm side connected to a chat reflector, and
leave 2m available for local chat, or vice versa.  The 880 is a much more
current design and more "D-STAR user friendly" than the 2200 in terms of
front panel controls and programming.

If you lived in an area with a 2m only system and it was the only one
around, then I'd say, "Sure, get the 2200."  Here in the Kansas City area,
both systems' 70cm repeater is active used 99% of the time; one system
downtown has 23cm, but it is seldom used and the other system has 2m
capability, but the 2m repeater is not on the air yet.

I understand trying to save on cost if it's not necessary, but I think you
would be missing out by going with the 2200.


Tom, NM0N

On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Don Bowen <don.bo...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> I am trying to decide between the Icom 2200H or the Icom 880. The 2200
> is a single band and needs the digital board for D-Star. The 880 is a
> dual band and comes D-Star ready. The 2200 goes for around $150 and the
> digital board is about $200 for a total under $400 while the 880 goes
> for around $500.
> My current thoughts are to get the 2200 now and the digital board later
> when funds are available.
> Thoughts, comments?
> --
> Don Bowen KI6DIU
> http://www.braingarage.com/Dons/Travels/journal/Journal.html

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