Any chance (at some point) of getting a default setting on the 
Preferences->QSO page that will allow us to change the default setting for 
this field (the Upload flag)? I have manually exported my entire log, and 
(at least so far) I see no reason not to continue doing so, so I'd like to 
have that flag default to "Y", while leaving the label flag set to "N".

Also, is there any way to mass change the date in all my previously-upload 
QSOs (done with a manual ADIF export) so that I can track that they've been 
uploaded already?

At 10:05 AM 5/12/2004, Paul van der Eijk wrote:
>I realized I did not copy the refelctor on this message,
>I tried to do the electronic confirmations similar to the paper equivalent:
>Upload = Y == I want to upload this QSO; like Label = Y. You can set the
>flag using the command on the label menu.
>Upload Date (QSO was uploaded; set when doing the upload)
>    like QSL Date
>Upl Conf (set when importing your log back into DX4WIN and the imported
>QSO is flagged as confirmed. You have to select the option to set the
>Upl Conf flag
>This is like Cnfm = Y
>This also explains why I put the 'Export for LOTW' on the label menu;
>it is like printing your labels. Also note that this option sets the upload
>date; a regular ADIF export does not do that.
>Dx4win mailing list

         David, K2DBK 

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