
I don't know about the IRS law in the US. But I know what Revenu 
Canada is asking from all companies.

Whenever a company (or an other constituent) is paying any sort of 
commision to a Canadian or a foreigner working in Canada, the 
company must collect all identification information from the person 
receiving the money including his SSN. This person is 
automatically considered as a part time employee. The company 
must also send an annual  T4 (payer's declartion) to that person.

That is the law here in Canada and I suspect it is pretty much the 
same in many countries including the US.  So business lie EEbiz 
would have to do it if they are located in Canada unless they want 
to remain illegal.


On 13 Dec 2000, at 9:40, Joseph Firmino wrote:

> rather
> than some jive company who wants to claim that their employees are
> "independant" (in the looser sense of the word) just to save them taxes. You
> also pay higher taxes as an independant contractor than you would if you
> were classified as an employee.
> What this all has to do with investment clubs or programs or what have you,
> I have no idea.

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