At 9:40 AM -0500 12/14/00, gary wrote:

>The point is, that those participating in E-Biz are NOT working for
>E-biz and are NOT being paid any commission, there is absolutely no
>employer/employee relationship.

Further, and the ultimate truth here, is that unless you personally 
are operating the Ponzi scheme, there's a (good) chance that you're 
going to get burned. .

Everyone who got taken for a ride, I suggest getting over it.  You 
invested in a scam.  Have you ever heard the phrase "Too good to be 
true?"  Well now it has some additional meaning.  Even if you do 
manage to make any money as a Ponzi participent it's only because 
someone else is getting bent over.  Feels terrific doesn't it!

For those who suggest that scams like this latest Ponzi scheme make 
e-gold look bad, I would offer the observation that perhaps it's 
naive e-gold users make e-gold look bad.  You don't ever see anyone 
stating that American Ponzi schemes (never mind the legality of them) 
make the US treasury or the US dollar look bad.

Yes, you have no real recourse as an e-gold user.  That's part of the 
beauty of e-gold!  "e-gold payments clear instantaneously (with no 
chargeback risk), no matter how large the payment, no matter how far 
apart the Spender and Recipient."  That's powerful stuff.  That 
basically means that you, and only you, can be held accountable for 
where your e-gold ends up.

I've gone off on the whole "take responsibility for your own actions" 
tangent here before, so I won't bore everyone by going there again.

It's an amazing scam really...  Nearly 80 years old and still making 
money!  I can almost see a tear in the late Charles Ponzi's eye.



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