Now you are being very confusing.
SR does not have its own gold.
SR holds its assets in e-gold, which costs
1% per year. Metal Savings pays interest.

If you are not going to store your gold,
then why are you not holding your assets in Metal
or something else that does not cost you anything?

--- Elwyn Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > SR does not have its own gold as you state in 
> > your article, it has e-gold which it buys at a
> steep discount (because the
> > owner of e-gold also has a equity ownership
> position in SR) - and then 
> > re-issues the e-gold as SR gold.
> > 
> > Therefore SR is no more then a clone of e-gold,
> sure, SR has more features
> > and more options available than e-gold - but, in
> the long run, as long as SR
> > is simply "Re-named" e-gold they shouldn't tell
> everyone that they are 
> > Completely Unique.
> > 
> This is a very interesting question and one which
> many may not really
> undersand. Standard Reserve does not re-issue
> E-Gold. Rather, Standard
> Reserve holds E-Gold as the asset backing Standard
> Gold. In doing this,
> Standard Reserve has a far more liquid asset than
> E-Gold making it
> possible to handle that asset in a different manner
> than E-Gold.

Dagny Taggart

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