>This is a very interesting question and one which many may not really
>undersand. Standard Reserve does not re-issue E-Gold. Rather, Standard
>Reserve holds E-Gold as the asset backing Standard Gold. In doing this,
>Standard Reserve has a far more liquid asset than E-Gold making it
>possible to handle that asset in a different manner than E-Gold.

OK -- I agree, now I am confused.  So,, SR uses e-gold as asset backing for 
their currency yet that is not the same as re-issuing e-gold?  If SR gold 
has nothing behind it but e-gold, SR is simply e-gold with a different name, 
as without e-gold there can be no SRG.

Also -- how can SRG be more liquid than e-gold, when e-gold is the backing 
for SRG?  If e-gold suddenly loses liquidity, then SRG loses liquidity 

>The unique-ness of Standard Gold is that its asset, in that it is "gold
>money", can be held as money in its E-Gold account, or a portion of it
>could be held as a security, and so on.
This takes the world of "gold
>money" a step further towards providing a wide range of financial services
>to customers, including providing loans, paying interest where a person
>elects to hold their value in an account where the asset can be loaned

Uhh,, this sounds kind of like the e-metal version of the Banking fractional 
reserve deposit system?  Does this mean that SR endorses forward selling and 
short selling of its asset (e-gold)?

>currency. On the other hand, E-Gold may be more attractive to some,
>because of its 100% gold backing. It depends upon your perspective in the
>future which "gold" you want to hold

Hmm,, I defer to your wisdom as this statement clearly confuses me (again)-- 
are you trying to tell us that e-gold is 100% backed by gold and SRG is not? 
  if so, please elaborate how that could be since the asset backing SRG is 
e-gold and e-gold is supposed to be 100% backed by metal?

I am new to this e-metal business and researching the products before making 
my plunge.  This is one issue that bothers me -- the statment that e-gold is 
100% backed by gold?  This seems improbable to me because;

1) The only assurance we have that there is real metal backing is the 
examiner page -- which is administered by e-gold personnel only (guess you 
just have to believe!)

2)I do not see where e-gold has ever submitted to an audit of the reserves?  
does this bother no-one else?

3)If e-gold were 100% backed by metal -- how could e-gold possibly have 
enough liquidity cash to handle the daily outexchanging and conversion of 
metal to fiat currency (without selling and buying metal daily -- and this 
obviously is not done since the numbers on the examiner page would flucuate 
in proportion).  If the examiner were true to form -- e-gold would have to 
have a section listing the amount of cash held in reserve also - and they do 

4) None of this would bother me so much if there was a contact page or 
number for e-gold's escrow agent, however I do not see anything but the name 
of a large Multinational Bank listed.

Best Wishes,

John Bosco
USA - Retired.

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