
Major Bosco brought up a very interesting question here and I would be
very pleased if someone out there could enlighten me on this point..

Major Bosco...
>Uhh,, this sounds kind of like the e-metal version of the Banking
>reserve deposit system?  Does this mean that SR endorses forward
selling and
>short selling of its asset (e-gold)?

EJ in answer to Major Bosco
>>currency. On the other hand, E-Gold may be more attractive to some,
>>because of its 100% gold backing. It depends upon your perspective
in the
>>future which "gold" you want to hold

So what is the answer here? Is the future of SR to be a "fractional
reserve" system, backed at least in part by debt instruments? Is there
anyone out there who can give an honest answer to this VERY important

In another post, EJ stated:

>The difference lies in the fact that there is not always the
>necessity to back Standard Gold 100% with E-Gold -- it is possible
that in
>the future Gold securities may form a certain percentage of that

So what EXACTLY is a "Gold Security" and added to that, what is the
"Gold Certificate" that SR is offering.  From the gold exchange web
site http://www.e-gold-exchange.com/gift.asp we read:

"The certificate entitles the recipient to ownership of the physical
gold backing the certificate, which is stored safely in a vault by
E-gold Limited Trust. Standard Reserve backs each digital gram of gold
with e-gold, which is backed by actual metal in the vault."

If this is true, then how does the statement earlier by EJ, "there is
not always the necessity to back Standard Gold 100% with E-Gold" fit
into the picture?

Hope someone can help me out on this one.

Best regards,


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