At 10:41 AM 12/28/2000 -0500, B Ray wrote:
>Is it just me or does anyone else get more confused as SR tries 
>to answer what I thought was a fairly simple question? The 
>response given below to the question gets more complex and 
>confusing each time Mr Jenkins tries to answer it.  Why does it 
>take a book to do this?

I am sorry you are confused by the explanations. I forget that many people
do not want to know the details. On the other hand, the simplicity to
which we often try to reduce complex issues often makes things look like
something that they are not.

As one of the founders of Standard Reserve, there are directions I seek to
take the company. Keep watching this space for simpler explanations as we
go. Often creating the actual business is different to the theory. Let me
take up the explanation of the theory in another location -- I will leave
the description of the actual service as it is revealed in practical

No a book is not necessary to explain this subject. It is a way to open
the details to those who are interested some of whom may be reading this
discussion group. For those who do not wish to see this, I will leave the
explanations to that book.

Elwyn Jenkins
The Gold Economy
& Founder of Standard Reserve

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