Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange wrote:

  If we can overcome that stigma by utilizing the
> alternate forms of identity verification, we may all be on to something
> bigger that most of us have conceptualized even to this point.


Signed PGP messages. Webs of trust. PKI? Reputation capital
management systems. I'd pay a small amount to rate you if you
*have* to rate me, too. I'm in effect paying to get rated.
I don't want all my money changing going through one money
changer. Too much of my money changing history in one 
person's/business's hands. So, I want my track record available
for other money changers.

It will not be an overnight fix, but somebody will probably
start this (and refine it for this specific business) sooner 
or later. A specialized reputation (credit) rating system for 
money changers and their customers.

A post I made to another list:

> The necessity of reputation and the possibility of independent
> reputation brokers has been mentioned several times.

First of all:

General reputation trackers/sellers are going to have a hard time 
coming up with a method that works for most needs.  
Specific/narrow type reputation trackers/valuators have 
it easy. They know exactly what counts, therefore what to look
for. That's *already* happening on the *Web* in a *sophisticated*
manner. Schwab computers evaluate their customers trading activity
in a trading account and automatically decide when, and how much
to increase "purchasing power for marginable securities" above
the initial (when you open a marginable account) one dollar
loaned per one dollar of equity in the account. A trading track
record means a lot to somebody (the brokerage house) who understands 
the game. To most people it would mean little, despite what they 
may think. Every business day after everything is marked to market,
a customers reputation capital (track record) is recalculated. It is
expressed as a percentage of the customer's equity in their account.
Schwab is not the only one doing this. It's highly effective for both
the business and the customer. This one has already been nailed down.


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3C4D A63F 3C8B 2D7B 7E1A FFE8 9A2E 4D78 CAD6 66B7

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