> > "Any week now" there will be a general one available. Most will be
> > willing to participate at least a little. The bad news is you need a
> > funded e-gold account (although I just got an idea to minimize this :),

> I have no problem with spending metal. For this to work in the long
> run, a profit has to be made. I'm not worried about getting my
> money's worth.

I meant as in lowering barriers for initial use. It's no fun to go to a
site and have to do a bunch of stuff before you can participate. I am
thinking of giving a small local loan of ~ 50-100 mg so people can
participate immediately. (If this is confusing, just wait a week :)

BTW, exchange providers can easily generate a reputation too.
Participation  should be very low cost and hopefully really fun too.

> I don't believe it can to be perfect in the beginning. It's
> probably impossible. It can be refined/improved/changed as
> feedback comes in. Great going, Jeff.

Thanks! I am so excited to get this project out the door. Although very
interesting to design, it has been quite a challenge.

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