At 11:21 AM 12/30/2000 -0600, Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange wrote:
>. I really respect the way SR has handled the recent questions. I am
> > sure if we had the option of privacy friendly services we all would use
> > them. Instead we need to do a lot of research or create them along with
> > the business we are creating too.
>     I could not agree more!  Does anyone from E-gold or G&SR ever post on
>these *e-gold* discussion lists?

Maybe they are afraid of getting beaten up eh? ;-)

Actually, while many have slammed Standard Reserve, I personally 
want to thank everyone for their opinions.  It is the only way we 
will improve.  One of our staff was taken aback with one of the 
comments, and thought we should  discuss the issue privately.  I 
disagree wholeheartedly.  Your comments, both pro and con are 
invaluable to us.  Right now we are investigating using other 
means to track identities rather than SS#.  As I stated before, I 
am a list junkie, and really understand the value.

Thanks again

George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018      Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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