At 07:18 AM 2/5/2001 +1100, Michael Moore wrote:
>In all of this discussion thread regarding micro payment  there is one thing
>I notice missing.
>That is a damn good marketing agent who knows how to sell an idea or concept
>to a commerical company and is prepared to go at it full steam.
>This is or was how traditional concept were entered into the commercial
>market place.
>I think that if the case was presented to Napster style of companies, or any
>business that wants to accept a micro payment,  in a professional marketing
>style  you would achieve a more notable success.  It is not the product that
>sells.  It is the sizzle.  Who is pointing out the benefits of micro gold
>payments to these companies?
>Our problem is that we do not have a concerted effort by e-gold SR MMs et
>all contributing in the same manner as a large commercial company would to
>produce a result.
>i know there are  good marketing agents out there.  I bet Elwyn is one,
>George another and heaps I have missed.  But Marketing is a full time job.
>Quantity comes before quanity  and you have to talk to heaps of people or
>companies to find one that will accept your concept.

Stay tuned.

George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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