Hey!!!  about 1000% ...Nice one  JP.  I like it.  Can I use it?
(Now can we get it on Yahoo or Altavista.com???)

I understand what you mean JP..

I would like however, to introduce new blood into the business.  250,000
new people coming into the business each day would  boost and make egold
known world wide.

But to have 2000 traders or merchants using the system and demanding payment
in gold would be even better!

Has there ever been a concerted effort to promote e-gold  to merchants  as a
safter and more sevcure alternative to credit cards.

The way CCs are going at the moment I believe there is a wide open niche
just begging to be filled.  CC fraud may only be 3% world wide  but 90% of
that 3%  is internet fraud  and merchants are getting the worst end of the
stick more and more.  If someone would offer them a secure transactional
medium whith no charge backs they would grab it with both arms.

I strongly believe that a marketing company or individual with a proven
track record in their field and some heavy expense money could raise the
level of e-gold  to a fast expanding transaction medium to replace credit

Radio tv advertising, press releases , discussion boards, an intensive
campaign into merchants heads.

And with that much attention I believe problems some people report with
e-gold accounts would become less.

Kind regards,

Michael Moore
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