At 06:29 AM 2/13/2001 -0800, Jeff Fitzmyers wrote:
> > to everybody - the merchant and the consumer. And I still contend
> > that the education issue is not the problem.  Rather it is an
> > easier way to fund accounts.
>I tend to disagree. I think e-gold can easily be classified as a 'breakthrough
>technology' which by definition means that people don't get it. 
>If truly valuable,
>they will 'get it' from education, sheer necessity, or time.

Perhaps.  But to get into mainstream you need more than 
education.  Let's assume that we have every merchant in the world 
accepting gold.  Why would a consumer want to buy gold at 9-15% 
to purchase from merchants when they could use their credit card, 
and, if paid timely, incur no fees?  If not paid timely they get a loan.

So, the gold economy is wonderful for the merchant, but not so 
good for the consumer.  And I don't think education alone will 
solve that.  Rather we need to identify and emphasize the 
benefits to all (which is education).


George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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