How right you are.

> on top of all that, magically the adverts WOULD BE INCOME for e-gold 
> corp, and well deserved, too

Furthermore, it would probably be their first serious income that
does not derive from the silly scams.  I hope they take your bid!
Or at least someone's higher bid!

However, speaking of the silly scams...  Why is it that they are 
the virtually the only use of e-gold?  I'll answer my own 
question: because they are the only use that has a way to reach 
potential customers.

Not only that, but they are probably not so much reaching present 
e-gold users as being the engine that has fueled the growth of 
e-gold accounts by recruiting new account openers.  They constantly 
require new suckers as the old ones either wise up and/or loose all 
their money.  [Note that this probably means that the demographic
composition of e-gold users is probably skewed toward highly gullible 
people who might not be good candidates for serious commerce.  If so 
your bid may be too high!]  

But how have the scammers done this?  It seems to me that the 
answer is probably: by their harnessing of chain letter or MLM 
techniques. Thus they have gotten around the inability to reach 
present e-gold users by using a method which instead effectively 
reaches people susceptible to their "product" and makes 
them into e-gold users.

This may not be practical for real businesses, however, where the
profit margins (to pay for MLM recruitment) are not as high as they 
are for a scam.  Furthermore, e-gold may not be as uniquely useful
for real businesses as it is for scams.  But on the other hand, it
is very useful and MLM does work for some more-or-less real 
businesses (like AMWAY). 


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