Okay, "jammer99" here's a question for YOU ... 

Do YOU think that "scam" sites, "ponzi" sites, and other versions of
"game" sites are the ONLY sites that have problems with
egold/OmniPay/escrowgods ?

you stated:
What are Ponzi schemes, a good or a service? (I'm guessing "service," but
only in the barn-yard sense of the word.)
end quote**************

How about a site that sells information on setting up foreign IBCs,
trusts, bank accounts and helps folks to line up their passports and
citizenships ?  Is this a service or do they sell goods?

There is a site at http://permanenttourist.com that has most of its
products behind a "members only" script .  In this section they have a
report available called "The Dark Side", which gives out priviledged
information about sites that have been know to give poor, to non-existant,

In that report e-gold is mentioned in its own little section.

e-gold. They froze our account without court order, kept it frozen for
almost two months, and then unfroze it. We didn't receive any
clarification from them while the account was frozen. When they unfroze
it, they claimed that one of our clients had paid us with e-gold which he
had obtained fraudulently. Of course, they didn't say which client it was
or how exactly he had obtained the e-gold... so we were unable to cancel
the client's order or even verify the truth of this claim! Be careful with
these guys! As of November 2000 we keep receiving reports about e-gold
delaying out-exchanges and ignoring (or lying to) customers. This smacks
either of growing pains - or of serious liquidity problems! In addition to
this, the SEC is currently investigating e-gold... which could result in
account seizures in the not too distant future. In either case, e-gold is
definitely not a place to keep substantial amounts of money.
end quote*******************

Now, it is MY contention that there are a LOT of LEGAL ( in YOUR sense of
the word ) companies out there that HAVE had bad dealings with
e-god/OmniPay and DON'T mention their cases because they FEAR futher
action from the e-gods ....

Most folks are trained to utter only socially correct statements and, on
this list, it looks like it would be "socially correct" to only PRAISE the
e-god facility ... bs ....

If this service wants to EVER get off the ground, permanently, it needs to
make some CHANGES ... we (some) the "users" are all NOT happy ...

I am trying to highlight a problem that needs addressing in a more
courteous and informative manner.  CUSTOMER SERVICE ... with BOTH e-gold
AND OmniPay is atrocious ... the penalty for this is, loss of business
and, perhaps, death of the concept.

So far YOU have supported e-golds LACK of customer service .

and now you, and others, want to start dictating WHICH companies CAN use
e-gold ... but you want us to pass a "agreement" exam first ... do you use
anything MS ? could you pass the MS agreement test, Symantec test,
etc,etc,etc ......  BS ..... these "agreements" are for the lawyers
benefits, not guidance for users ... if I started trying to give
"opinions" about the "agreement" then someone would accuse me of
practicing law without a license .... translate mine, give me a "users"

Omnipay says it follows US laws
end quote*******************

"Follows" (as in obeys) I can understand ... ENFORCING is NOT the same ..
especially when the enforcement is assigned to duely appointed folks (of
which e-gold/OmniPay is NOT one) and those folks even get PAID for the
enforcement. "Enforcers" we got plenty of.  I don't think that there is
ANY clause in the Holy Agreement which says that e-gold/OmniPay SHOULD (or
CAN) TRY to be an "enforcer" branch of the U.S. gov.

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.

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