I am much more willing to believe Omnipay than Costa Gold during this "No,
you didn't" - "Yes, I did" escapade. Omnipay has stuck by their user
agreement and I have seen nothing to say otherwise. 
end quote****************

Be truthful, "Viking", you haven't seen diddely from OmniPay about this
farce of "justice".  Please, if I'm wrong, tell me the date and time on
the last post from OmniPay (to this list or ANY other) where OmniPay
states THEIR side of this story, along with the legal justification for
holding onto 1.1 MILLION of someone ELSEs egold .....

The godly owners and operators are still in their ivory towers
contemplating their compounded fees, or something, I guess ... are YOU
privy to something that WE should know ? .. give it up, dude.

>From what I have seen, Costa Gold quickly underwent a transformation from
a "offshore investment opportunity" to a "offshore game" when questioned.
They went from promising very high yield returns to saying it was a game
and to not count on receiving anything.
end quote****************

"Viking", why even bring this into the conversation? Is it just a juvenile
effort to try and sling some mud? .. From what I've seen the REAL issue is
OWNERSHIP of the funds .. NOT whether e-god(r)etal  APPROVES of the
BUSINESS that Costa REALLY is ... or, is it?

Perhaps you are giving us some insight on what e-god/OmniPay is REALLY
doing ?  Is e-god/OmniPay REALLY making a statement that IT DISapproves of
the type of business some foreign "Ltd" is running ?  Should we now EXPECT
that the e-god/OmniPay will pass judgement on our CHOICE of business on
the internet ?

Will we now start seeing additions, to the Holy Agreement, listing
APPROVED types of ventures in which e-gold may be used ?  Perhaps they
SHOULD do this so that we come to KNOW where they all REALLY stand in this
issue .. I think that, perhaps, we are getting to the REAL heart of the
issue here ...... thanks, for getting me started, "Viking".

 and thus providing negative publicity, that e-gold is a only
a tool for scammers
end quote*************

"Viking", you are rambling again ... keep to the issue ... you keep trying
to SWITCH the issue over to something else.

Why? Why should e-gold thank the entities who bring in users who aren't
willing to learn what e-gold is really about? Once the marks realize
they've been had, many of them scream to high heaven that it is e-gold's
fault. Few are willing to learn what e-gold is really about.
end quote****************

What IS e-gold REALLY about if NOT using it to get goods and services ?
Should we just convert our bux to gold and then just LOOK at it ?  We
(gamers) put our bux into gold and then try to KEEP IT SPENT into "games"
! !

We DON'T want it to sit idle, gathering dust .. I thought all of you folks
were looking, recently, at how FAST the gold was being TURNED OVER .. and
it made you EXCITED that, someone, was actually finding a USE for this

Does YOUR statement mean that all of US are WRONG ?  should we NOT USE IT

But, I digress.

The REAL issue is about ownership .. Costa owns it, wants it back, and
OmniPay/Escrow/E-Gold/Brothers/Sisters/Whoever .. WON'T give it up ... and
it does NOT appear that the Holy Agreement SUPPORTS that move on their

All of us "USERS" are now wondering how safe ANY of our funds are in the
"gold" system .. AND, since "E-gold.com" is the ROOT of all of the gold
"stuff" then questions also arise as to the TRUSTWORTHYNESS of ALL
SERVICES BASED ON E-gold.com .  "E-gold" OWNES the ball, the game could
STOP, anytime.

If OmniPay is the ONLY culprit here then I, respectfully, submit that ALL
"service providers" help to clear up this STIGMA on "providers".

If Costa is the culprit here then I, respectfully, subit that ALL the
"service providers" help COSTA clear up this stigma on "providers". (and
let Costa retain its foreign RIGHT TO PRIVACY)

If the government of the U.S. is involved in e-gold/OmniPay business, in
order to make a statement against "Costa"-types of business on the
internet, then there is NO hope for ANY of this. The TRUTH WILL prevail,

The OmniPay folks AND their escrow folks should NOT trample on the rights
to privacy of "foreign individuals" .. this issue impacts the privacy
rights of ALL of us ... you too, "Viking".

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
Joes Tatoos .. Identifying Marks Covered Up

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