LaMarr Dell wrote:

> This "Coder" person (who won't reveal identity) makes quick judgments as
> to whether (or not) a site is "legal"

A dead worm could figure out if Costa is legal within a minute. Hello?!

> I find that "Costa" is VERY "up front" with information about how THEY
> work and what one may expect from them .. the fact that I don't know the
> owners by name doesn't bother me one bit.

Then why do you care who VC is?
Why do you defend 'someone' that just stole 1,000,000?

> Most folks, these days, don't bother to do a lot of research into things
> so it's easy to fall into the trap of repeating the last witty sound that
> we heard.

Your the best!

> THAT is the reason that I'm posting the Costa site url .. so
> that ALL of you can take just TWO MINUTES and see, for yourself, the truth
> as to WHAT "Costa" is all about ...

Truth: Give us all your money :) Thanks buddy!

> some of us play the "game" sites.

If it was JUST a game no one would really care about the outcome.

> Personally, I've got several thousand tied up in this "frozen asset" GOD
> play of OMNIPAY/EGOLD/G$SR, whoever, .. and MY payout is being held up by
> "them", whoever .. yes, I'm a "winner", but "they" have MY PAYDAY funds.

That's right, blame someone else. YOU are the one who gave your money to a
scam that broke their own rules. OmniPay and e-gold have followed their rules.

> I have seen the documents (posted on the Costa site) that Costa sent to
> e-gold as "proof of identity" .. and I'M satisfied

How can you prove that those documents were sent?

> ... If egold would
> release the funds to the LAWYER that presented those documents I could get
> paid ..

I'm a lawyer (trust me, I have a fancy web site that says so ;) if I send some
documents can I get the gold?

> We (the players) were satisfied with our agent, Costa,

Very logical. Translation: I am satisfied you stole my money, thank you.

> Now, again, back to WHOMEVER is making this decision to HOLD the funds
> that belong to others, what is your TRUE agenda?

Maybe to run a business and follow their posted User Agreement. Pretty simple

You got scammed, we all do (my running total is about 15,000 annoying
dollars), just learn from it :) If you ever do get any money back it will be
because Omnipay had a pretty good user agreement that they are sticking to.
And hear you are yelling at them, tsk, tsk. Send them some flowers and movie
tickets and thank them for doing the best they can.

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