At 1:17 PM -0400 4/17/01, Ken Griffith wrote:
>"This is not correct. e-gold Ltd. holds 0 stock in either DigiGold or SR,
>just as they (still) own 0 bank accounts, and make 0 loans. They just store
>the gold, period."
>I stand corrected.  Thank you James.  But is it not true that G&SR owns
>stock in DigiGold?

I can't really comment on it (not my area, frankly, others may wish to
at a later time). My point was that e-gold Ltd. is a very-misunderstood
entity & folks tend to attribute all sorts of things to it, so I'm constantly
sending messages with "0" in them. e-gold Ltd. does everything it can
to take 0 risk, as that is the best way for them to provide protection to
the owners of that gold. I think this is a good thing (I own some of the
gold already, but believe me I want a LOT more). Thanks.

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