>1) Why are they raising fees? Everyone wants to make a profit, but the
>account that I had was the free one, without the ATM card, and without any
>type of liquidity.

There are more than 12,000 people to whom you can spend Standard Reserve
Gold. As well there are more than 3 ways to exchange Standard Gold for other
monies: exchange into Standard USD, exchange into CARD-USD and therefore to
obtain monies from an ATM. Even from one of the smaller and unvalidated
ownership accounts you can access all of these methods of exchange. One can
also go to any Agent on the Standard Reserve list and obtain national
currencies and even e-gold.

>I can't convert the account to e-gold, and I don't think
>anyone accepts Standard Reserve currency yet.

There are more than 12,300 people who accept Standard Reserve currency!!!

>So how are they justifying
>their fee of $3 per month when the only thing you can do with the
>account is
>just sit on the money? If people wanted to sit on gold, they should put it
>into GoldMoney, since they only charge 1/2 of 1 percent per year. Even if
>they had it in E-Gold, they would have to have over $3600 in e-gold before
>the fee is $3 per month.

Yes. we are favoring those people who want to hold more than $3,600 in
Standard Gold. We are looking for the serious people who want to hold larger
amounts and not be penalized by e-gold's 1% per annum, which for $5,000
would be $50 and in Standard Reserve only $36. We are seriously looking for
the serious holders and users of gold.

>2) Why did it take 12 days to close my account, after I made the request?
>Are they closing a LOT of accounts after their letter sent April 30? If so,
>what are they doing with the gold in the other accounts?

By the way, no $3 fee has actually been charged to any account as yet. And,
the fact that it took 12 days to close has nothing to do with charging a fee
or making you pay. We have allowed a month for people who wish to close
their accounts before the fee is charged.

As a matter of fact, the reason why your account was not closed for 12 days
was that we had in that 10 day period the greatest growth we have had yet!
We opened 5,350 accounts on the week we announced the $3 fee and could not
attend to closures as we were dealing with accounting openings. We have
since the day we announced the new charges the greatest growth Standard
Reserve has experienced yet.

>3) Since they are 100% backed by e-gold, then why didn't they just send the
>gold back to my e-gold account? That would have been the honorable thing to
>do. Even if they justified taking $3 out for the month of May, it
>would have
>been more beneficial to me. The last thing they should have done was to
>close the account and take the gold, since I requested to close the account
>to AVOID paying the $3 fee.

Your Gold has not been taken. You asked for an account closure. An email
indicating that you have value in the account was sent to you. I have not
had a reply as to what we should do for you. Please reply to my personal
email address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I can make sure your value is
exchanged into something you find suitable.

>Did anyone else close their Standard Reserve account with this fee
>If so, what did they do with your SR-AUG gold?

Any of our Agents will give you your value in USD, e-gold or whatever you
would like.

Dr Elwyn Jenkins
Standard Reserve

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